Joint Implants:

Nationwide Defective Joint Implant Attorney
Defective “Metal-on-Metal” Hip & Knee Implants:
Johnson & Johnson’s Depuy ASR Hip implants have been recalled due to premature failure rates, first noted in Europe. There are approximately 30,000 patients implanted with one of these implants. Many patients have had the device fail within a couple years of implantation and have had to undergo another major operation to replace this device.
[See http:// ]Zimmer’s Nexgen Knee implant and Durom Cup Hip implant are two other defective, medical devices that are failing prematurely. These failures were recognized by implanting surgeons and reported to the company, but the company continued to market & sell these to unsuspecting physicians and patients.
There are many other companies that manufactured and/or distributed defective metal-on-metal implants which we are starting to see. Some of these include Wright Medical, Stryker and others. If you or a loved one has had a hip replacement revision surgery from a failed implant, please contact us immediately because you only have a limited period of time for which to file a claim. [see].
If you have been implanted with any type of knee or hip implant, it is important for you to find out who manufactured the implant, the product identification paperwork [includes the manufacturer name, identification numbers of the implant, lot numbers, implant type & name], in order to know whether or not your device is one of the defective ones or is at risk for failure. Contact your implanting surgeon and/or surgeon who replaced the device for this information. The Hospital operative note and operative nurses notes would also have this information.
If you have one one of the above devices, call us for a free consultation to determine whether or not you have a claim. Before discussing anything with the company representatives, you may want to consult an attorney to review your rights. Give us a call for a free consultation.